South Carolina’s gun laws are fairly lenient compared to other states, but hundreds of South Carolinians are arrested every year for allegedly violating them. If you are facing charges related to guns or other weapons in South Carolina, you should schedule an appointment with a dedicated South Carolina weapons crimes attorney as soon as possible to discuss what your legal options are.
The right to bear arms is protected by the Bill of Rights, but each state interprets that right differently, and unfortunately, professing ignorance of South Carolina gun laws is not a viable criminal defense.
South Carolina Gun Laws
Under South Carolina’s gun laws, you don’t need a permit to buy a handgun, shotgun, or rifle. You need a permit to carry a concealed firearm in our state, but having a permit doesn’t mean you can carry a concealed weapon anywhere you like. In South Carolina you can’t carry firearms into a public building except for interstate rest areas or onto any school property, public or private. Doing so is an easy way to get charged with a gun crime. So is carrying a gun or other weapon openly: there are some states where open carry is permitted, but South Carolina is not one of them. If you have questions about your rights as a gun owner under state law, we can explain them to you and how they may affect your case.
Stand Your Ground
Under South Carolina’s castle doctrine, which now includes stand-your-ground protection, you have the right to use deadly force to protect your property, your person, or another person, but as recent events in the news have shown, these kinds of cases are never simple. Don’t be fooled into thinking that the laws will automatically protect you even if you are in the right. Being charged with a gun crime can be a harrowing experience, especially when you didn’t do anything wrong or when you simply failed to familiarize yourself with South Carolina laws concerning gun ownership.
Call the Law Offices of Eric C. Davis, P.A. at (803) 939-1340 or fill out the form provided to speak with an experienced weapons charges attorney
Contact a South Carolina gun crimes lawyer immediately and see what a difference exceptional legal representation can make when it comes to a bulletproof criminal defense. Don’t wait any longer.